Sporting Clays Tournament
May 15, 2025 All day

Join us for a day in the great outdoors in support of The Arc of Monroe! Our Sporting Clays Tournament has become a beloved event, drawing sport shooting enthusiasts from all over the Rochester area. In 2024, participants will enjoy healthy competition and a fun afternoon of sport shooting clays. The tournament is shot in teams of 4 players and played over a course of 12 shooting stations laid around the course. The event will also have a raffle, silent auction and conclude with cocktails, dinner & prizes for top teams.
We invite experienced shooters to sign up for this event and to bring their own gun – that way they’ll feel comfortable and safe with their personal firearm. The first consideration in shooting a round of sporting clays is always safety!
Thursday, May 15, 2025
Rochester Brooks Gun Club
962 Honeoye Falls 6 Rd
Rush, NY 14543
Sponsor the Sporting Clays Tournament!
- Registration for 12 participants (3 teams).
- Company logo on event signage, The Arc of Monroe website & social media.
- Company-provided banner prominently displayed.
- Station sponsor with signage and formal recognition at event.PRESENTING SPONSOR $5,000
- Registration for 8 participants (2 teams).
- Logo on score card.
- Company logo on event signage, The Arc of Monroe website & social media and formal recognition at event
- Registration for 4 participants (1 team).
- Company logo on event signage, The Arc of Monroe website & social media.
- Station sponsor with signage and formal recognition at event.
- Registration for 8 participants (2 teams).
- Signage at on-course drink stations and cocktail hour.
- Company logo on event signage, The Arc of Monroe website & social media and formal recognition at event.
- Registration for 8 participants (2 teams).
- Company logo on event signage, The Arc of Monroe website & social media.Two shooting station signs prominently placed on course.
Please contact Contact Sydney Lautenslager with any questions at (585) 271-0660 ext. 1305 or with the names of everyone in your group, as well as ammo gauge.