Friday, October 24, 2025
Arbor Midtown, 183 E. Main Street, Rochester
A Toast to The Arc – The Arc of Monroe’s signature gala – is a dazzling night of celebration and fun as we honor people who have supported and partnered with The Arc in powerful ways over the past year. Mark your calendar for next year’s event to be held at the exquisite Arbor Midtown.
2024 A Toast to The Arc Award Winners
Join us for A Toast to The Arc benefitting The Arc Foundation of Monroe! This year’s 2024 honorees are truly spectacular with each one of them championing and empowering the people we support in their own unique way. We are truly blown away by the inspirational people we are honoring at this year’s festivities. Read on to learn more about the Class of 2024 honorees and the commitment they’ve made to creating a more inclusive Rochester community.
Thank you to our 2024 sponsors!

Dr. Sue Chlebowski

Sponsor A Toast to The Arc!
PRESENTING EXCELLENCE SPONSOR $15,000 EXCLUSIVE – only 1 sponsorship available.
- Registration for 24 (includes meal, drinks, and dessert).
- Prominent verbal recognition and signage at Toast as the “Excellence Sponsor.”
- Sole sponsorship of “Raised Glass” Champagne Toast to The Arc.
- Company logo on event signage, The Arc of Monroe website & social media and dedicated feature on social media.
- Special opportunity to welcome guests at the podium before the dinner program.
- Prominent full-page color ad in the event program book (either inside front or inside back cover) 8” high x 5” wide.
- Recognition in a post-event “Thank You” ad in the Rochester Business Journal.
- Registration for 16 (includes meal, drinks, and dessert).
- Your choice to sponsor one of the following items with displayed named recognition: Items are first come, first served: Entertainment, Dessert, Table Gift.
- Prominent verbal recognition at event.
- Company logo on event signage, The Arc of Monroe website & social media and dedicated feature on social media.
- Full-page color ad in the event program book: 8” high x 5” wide.
- Recognition in a post-event “Thank You” ad in the Rochester Business Journal.
- Registration for 8 (includes meal, drinks, and dessert).
- Prominent verbal recognition at event.
- Company logo on event signage, The Arc of Monroe website & social media.
- Half-page color ad in the event program book: 4” high x 5” wide.
- Recognition in a post-event “Thank You” ad in the Rochester Business Journal.
- Registration for 6 (includes meal, drinks, and dessert).
- Verbal recognition at event.
- Company logo on event signage, The Arc of Monroe website & social media.
- Quarter-page color ad in the event program book:
- Recognition in a post-event “Thank You” ad in the Rochester Business Journal.
- Registration for 4 (includes meal, drinks, and dessert).
- Name recognition on The Arc of Monroe website & social media.
- Recognition in a post-event “Thank You” ad in the Rochester Business Journal.
- Registration for 2 (includes meal, drinks, and dessert).
- Name recognition on The Arc of Monroe website & social media.
- Recognition in a post-event “Thank You” ad in the Rochester Business Journal.
Contact Sydney Lautenslager with any questions at (585) 271-0660 ext. 1305 or slautenslager@arcmonroe.org.